Properties common to all files except structure viewer browser
window ('::Browser' file): |
Property name | Data type | Description |
Clipboard | SIGQWORD | On read the clipboard file's format is returned (0 if the file is not a clipboard file), on write a clipboard file's format is set (CF_TEXT etc.) |
Position | LONGWORD | File's position pointer |
Size | LONGWORD | File's size |
Properties of the
"structure viewer" browser window
('::Browser' file): |
Property name | Data type | Description |
AcceptTags | BYTE | If set to 1, you can write HTML tags to the browser window. If set to 0 (default), HTML special chars are converted so they are displayed literally (e.g. '<' is converted to '<') |
Height | SIGQWORD | controls the height of the browser control in the structure viewer |
Left | SIGQWORD | controls the left position of the structure viewer |
Raw | BYTE | This property is similar to the ACCEPTTAGS property described above. In addition to this, also the HTML header and footer are omitted if set to 1, so you will have to write a complete HTML document using the FILEWRITE functions |
Top | SIGQWORD | controls the top position of the structure viewer |
Visible | BYTE | If set to 1, the structure viewer is shown, if set to 0, it's hidden |
Width | SIGQWORD | controls the width of the browser control in the structure viewer |
Properties of (hex)
editor windows ('::New', '::Editor', '::Current',
'::<filename>' files) : |
Property name | Data type | Description |
!<propname> | TEXT/SIGQWORD | Custom properties, used to e.g. store specific data to be used in scripts. A special custom property is the !Offset (SIGQWORD) property, if this is set to a value different from 0, the "virtual offset" is displayed in the offset pane of the editor window. If <propname> is omitted, a list of all custom properties is returned |
AbsolutePosition | SIGQWORD | If a disk/partition is edited, this is the absolute position of the cursor on the whole disk/partition |
AbsoluteSize | SIGQWORD | If a disk/partition is edited, this is the size of the whole disk/partition, not the size of the part being edited (readonly) |
BackupExtension | TEXT | Extension of the backup filename (readonly) |
BytesPerBlock | BYTE | Number of bytes per block displayed by the editor |
BytesPerColumn | BYTE | Number of bytes per column displayed by the editor |
BytesPerRow | BYTE | Number of bytes per row displayed by the editor |
CharacterMode | BYTE | Character mode of the editor |
ChangeVersion | SIGQWORD | How many times have the editor's contents be changed (can be used to check whether the data has been changed during script calls etc.) (readonly) |
Col | LONGWORD | Editor's current column |
Colors.Background | LONGWORD | Editor's background color (blue/green/red: 0xff0000 = blue) |
Colors.ChangedBackground | LONGWORD | Editor's background color of modified data (Overtype mode only) |
Colors.ChangedText | LONGWORD | Editor's text color of modified data (Overtype mode only) |
Colors.CurrentOffset | LONGWORD | Editor's text color of the current line (Offset pane) |
Colors.CurrentOffsetBackground | LONGWORD | Editor's background color of the current line (Offset pane) |
Colors.CursorFrame | LONGWORD | Editor's color of the cursor frame |
Colors.EvenColumn | LONGWORD | Editor's text color of data in even columns (Hex pane) |
Colors.OddColumn | LONGWORD | Editor's text color of data in odd columns (Hex pane) |
Colors.Offset | LONGWORD | Editor's text color ine the offset pane |
Colors.OffsetBackGround | LONGWORD | Editor's background color ine the offset pane |
CurrentValue | SIGQWORD | Value of the byte at the current cursor position, -1 if the editor has no data (readonly) |
FileName | TEXT | Name of the file loaded in the editor (readonly) |
FillByte | BYTE | This data is used to fill newly allocated memory when growing a data file |
FixedSize | BYTE | 1 if the filesize is fixed (e.g. when editing disk sectors or memory blocks), 0 otherwise |
Font.Color | LONGWORD | Editor's text color |
Font.Name | TEXT | Editor's text font name |
Font.Size | LONGWORD | Editor's text font size |
HasFile | BYTE | 1 if the data in the editor has been loaded from a file, 0 otherwise (readonly) |
GotoEOF | BYTE | if set to 1, set the cursor to the highest possible position, i.e. seek beyond the actual file data if InsertMode is set to 1 (writeonly) |
InCharField | BYTE | 1 if the cursor is located in the character pane, 0 if located in the hex pane |
InsertMode | BYTE | 1 if the caret is in INS (insert at cursor) mode, 0 if in OVW (overwrite at cursor) mode |
Modified | BYTE | 1 if the data in the editor has been modified, 0 otherwise |
PrintFont.Color | LONGWORD | Text color when printing |
PrintFont.Name | TEXT | Text font name when printing |
PrintFont.Size | LONGWORD | Text font size when printing |
PrintOptions.MarginBottom | LONGWORD | Bottom margin when printing (millimeters) |
PrintOptions.MarginLeft | LONGWORD | Left margin when printing |
PrintOptions.MarginRight | LONGWORD | Right margin when printing |
PrintOptions.MarginTop | LONGWORD | Top margin when printing |
PrintOptions.PageFooter | TEXT | Page footer text |
PrintOptions.PageHeader | TEXT | Page header Text |
ReadOnlyFile | BYTE | 1 if the file has been opened readonly, 0 otherwise |
Row | LONGWORD | Editor's current row |
SelCount | LONGWORD | Number of bytes currently selected |
SelStart | LONGWORD | Index of first byte of the currently selected data |
SendCharacters | TEXT | Send the given characters to the hex editor as if they were typed manually (writeonly) |
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